Suction Side Leak

Here in South Florida our clients use their swimming pools year round but mostly during the hot summer days and boy did we have a record summer heat in 2021! I've never craved more cold beer in my life! I am sure many of you Floridians can relate. 

One of the things that can be frustrating when having a swimming pool is the dreaded leaks. Some of them can be found quickly and repaired the same day. Others require returning with the proper equipment to cut the concrete deck or remove pavers to dig a hole and reach the broken pipe. Those are the expensive repairs. That's where making the right choice for a leak detection contractor can be a hit or miss for a pool owner. I have been called to so many pools where other leak detection companies have tried to locate the leak(s) and have failed, leaving the customers' pockets a few thousand dollars lighter and the problem still remaining. 

We at SharKool Pools of the Palm Beaches have a very effective strategy we employ in locating the leak before even getting in the water. We are very knowledgeable on the three types of leaks, 1) suction side  2) pressure side and 3) structural. By talking with the client we can ascertain with 80% probability where we will find the leak(s) before even getting wet. 

SUCTION SIDE LEAK  This type of leak will cause the pool to lose up to 12 inches of water a day when the pool is running. It can drain all the way to the main drain completely emptying the pool if it is located in the main drain. As you can see in the video above, the main drain is leaking in a couple of spots. 

If it involves the skimmer (as shown in photo to the left) the water level will stabilize approximately one to two inches below the bottom of the skimmer. Many of the leaks I have found in the skimmer have been due to poor workmanship. For example the contractor may use hydraulic cement to seal the gaps between the skimmer and the pool retention wall instead of using the grout which was designed for such applications and sticks better than the hydraulic cement. I've also seen the old two part epoxy patches falling away because they were never pushed inside the cavity causing the leak, instead the two part epoxy was applied over the cavity which leaves the area behind it hollow. With time the epoxy becomes brittle and without any support behind it, it eventually breaks away.

Pressure side leak

PRESSURE SIDE LEAK  Water loss from this type of leak will also be severe. The estimated loss is around three to four inches in a day and depending on whether the leak is due to a broken pipe or a structural leak between the pipe and the plaster, will determine whether the pool drains completely or just below the pipe. The leak will also be more pronounced while the pump is running.  

To confirm whether this type of leak is due to a broken pipe directly behind the pool retention wall will entail drilling a small 1/4 inch hole in the deck about 12 inches from the back end of the pool coping. Once the origin of the leak is confirmed a plan of action to repair it can be prepared. Repairing the leak is a story for another time so come back often to follow up on what it takes to repair this type of leak. 

Structural leak

STRUCTURAL LEAK  The water loss from this leak can be up to two inches a day and will be the same whether the pump is running or not. Depending on where the leak is located, will depend on where the pool will stop losing water. If for example the leak is located in the waterline tile, then the water level will stabilize approximately one inch below the structural damage. 

A good leak detection specialist will spend his first few minutes interviewing the customer in an attempt to determine what type of leak it is and where the highest odds of locating it will be. There is no need to get into the water if the leak is similar to the one in the video directly above. After all having a plan is winning half the battle already. So don't get fooled by the fancy looking vehicles and fancy equipment, those can never replace common sense, logic and experience. 

Understanding how the waterflow in a swimming pool functions and the different types of leaks that exists, is crucial in solving the mystery of the dreaded leaks. If you believe your pool has a leak and you have tried to locate it on your own with no success, give us a call at (561) 203-5677 and we'll be happy to come out and locate it for you! 


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